Richard Garcia

For over five years now, Richard has been slow traveling the world to study play and playfulness as a means to be effective in the creative economy and age of wisdom. His journey has taken him from living among minimally and recently contacted hunter and gatherer tribes, to playworking with kids from the third to the first world, to learning first-hand from the leading play thinkers, researchers, and practitioners of play and playfulness. Richard's career first began after studying social psychology, journalism, and advertising at The University of Texas at Austin. After a successful career in government, politics and marketing, Richard went to work with renowned leadership and management authority Dr. Stephen R. Covey. As a member of the Special Projects Team, Richard was responsible for Dr. Covey's global speaking and consulting business. There Richard collaborated with Dr. Covey on the research, writing, and integration of new content into FranklinCovey's product and service lines, including an internationally best-selling book and internationally syndicated New York Time's column. Richard then left working with Dr.Covey to pursue his other dream of becoming a lawyer by studying international business law at The University of Texas at Austin School of Law. Today, Richard has joined a group of play experts and social activists from around the world to give refugee kids spaces to play for an initiative called Refuge Playground.
