A Surprising Source of Strength: Empowering Kids to Use Creativity Through Challenge

A Surprising Source of Strength: Empowering Kids to Use Creativity Through Challenge

January 26th 2017, Thursday

A Surprising Source of Strength: Empowering Kids to Use Creativity Through Challenge

SENGinar - Live

Creativity has unlimited potential to enrich children’s and teens’ lives. Moreover, creativity can always be tapped, including during challenging times—for example, when kids experience change or transitions, social/emotional issues, gifted-related demands, or motivational concerns. Creativity is a choice! This session has a dual focus: to better understand the power of creativity, and to help kids harness it for successful outcomes.

About the Presenter

Dr. Joanne Foster is a parent, teacher, gifted education specialist, university instructor, educational consultant, and award-winning author. She has worked in the field of gifted education for over 30 years. She conducts teacher-training programs, works with educators and parents in local, national, online, and international forums, and serves on advisory committees concerning children’s education and optimal development. Dr. Foster is the author of Not Now, Maybe Later: Helping Children Overcome Procrastination (2015), and co-author (with Dona Matthews) of Being Smart about Gifted Education (2009), and Beyond Intelligence: Secrets for Raising Happily Productive Kids (2014).


Thursday, January 26, 2017 7.30PM EST - 9.00PM EST Fee: $30.00 for SENG Members; $40.00 for Non-Members